Declaration of fellowship

In Christian love and after honest discussion, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we recognize and acknowledge agreement in doctrine among the undersigned as faithful, orthodox pastors, who along with their congregations, share a common commitment to the teaching of Holy Scripture as confessed in the Book of Concord (1580). We further recognize and acknowledge the faithful ministry of the undersigned, and we encourage the saints entrusted to their care to hear the Word and receive the Sacraments at those congregations served by the undersigned pastors.

We pledge ourselves to the mutual encouragement, service, and support of our brother pastors and the congregations entrusted to their care. We trust that the promise of the Word of the Gospel will be effective (Isaiah 55:11), and will burst forth among the nations and produce rich fruit, and will increase the fellowship of the Gospel of Jesus Christ among us, according to the working of God's Holy Spirit through the means of Word and Sacrament.

Pr. Martin Diers, Wittenberg Lutheran Church, Norwood, Minnesota 
Pr. Roger Fehr, Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Jefferson, South Dakota 
Pr. Daniel Artur Branco, Congregação Luterana da Reforma, Fortaleza, Brazil